This is a great time to begin outlining the details of your move.
- Make a list of items you plan on moving and items you wish to take to storage. Note which items will be handled by a mover (if you plan on using one) and those you will handle yourself. Get rid of items you don't need – have a garage sale, give items to friends, and donate items to local charities.
- If you plan on using a moving company, research and get estimates from several moving companies. After selecting your mover, discuss costs, packing, timing, and other necessary details.
- Many moving expenses are tax deductible, so maintain a file with important information and receipts for moving-related expenses.
- If you’re moving to a new community, it's great to find out about schools, parks, recreation, and community programs prior to your arrival. Contact the local Chamber of Commerce and/or Visitor's Bureau.
- Prepare to transfer medical, property, fire, and auto insurance through your insurance agent.
- Place all your medical records in a safe place. Do not forget prescriptions, vaccination records, and other important information.